Nd:YVO4 Crystal
Nd:YVO4 Crystal
  • Various doping concentrations from 0.1 to 3%.

  • High quality Nd:YVO4 crystals size up to Φ20 x 40 mm3.

  • Fast delivery and Competitive price.

  • As high as about five times larger absorption efficient over a wide pumping bandwidth around 808 nm (therefore, the dependency on pumping wavelength is much lower and a strong tendency to the single mode output).

  • As large as three times larger stimulated emission cross-section at the lasing wavelength of 1064 nm.

  • Lower lasing threshold and higher slope efficiency.

  • As a uniaxial crystal with large birefringence, the emission is only linearly polarized.

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General Product
Part No.
Face Dimensions
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Part No. Doping Face Dimensions Thickness Coating Material Delivery Price Add to CART
Nd:YVO4 Crystal CY01 0.007 3x3 mm 5 mm AR/AR@1064+808nm Neodymium Doped Yttrium Orthavanadate 2 weeks $60
Nd:YVO4 Crystal CY02 0.02 3x3 mm 3 mm AR/AR@1064+808nm Neodymium Doped Yttrium Orthavanadate 2 weeks $60
Nd:YVO4 Crystal CY03 0.02 3x3 mm 2 mm AR/AR@1064+808nm Neodymium Doped Yttrium Orthavanadate 2 weeks $60
Nd:YVO4 Crystal CY04 0.03 3x3 mm 1 mm AR/AR@1064+808nm Neodymium Doped Yttrium Orthavanadate 2 weeks $60
Nd:YVO4 Crystal CY05 0.03 3x3 mm 0.5 mm AR/AR@1064+808nm Neodymium Doped Yttrium Orthavanadate 2 weeks $60
Nd:YVO4 Crystal CY06 0.007 3x3 mm 5 mm HR@1064+HT@808/AR@1064nm Neodymium Doped Yttrium Orthavanadate 2 weeks $60
Nd:YVO4 Crystal CY07 0.02 3x3 mm 3 mm HR@1064+HT@808/AR@1064nm Neodymium Doped Yttrium Orthavanadate 2 weeks $60
Nd:YVO4 Crystal CY08 0.02 3x3 mm 2 mm HR@1064+HT@808/AR@1064nm Neodymium Doped Yttrium Orthavanadate 2 weeks $60
Nd:YVO4 Crystal CY09 0.03 3x3 mm 1 mm HR@1064+HT@808/AR@1064nm Neodymium Doped Yttrium Orthavanadate 2 weeks $60
Nd:YVO4 Crystal CY10 0.03 3x3 mm 0.5 mm HR@1064+HT@808/AR@1064nm Neodymium Doped Yttrium Orthavanadate 2 weeks $60

Neodymium Doped Yttrium Orthovanadate (Nd:YVO4) is the most efficient laser host crystal for diode pumping among the current commercial laser crystals, especially, for low to middle power density. This is mainly for its absorption and emission features surpassing Nd:YAG. Pumped by laser diodes, Nd:YVO4 crystal has been incorporated with high NLO coefficient crystals (LBO, BBO, or KTP) to frequency-shift the output from the near infrared to green, blue, or even UV. This incorporation to construct all solid state lasers is an ideal laser tool that can cover the most widespread applications of lasers, including machining, material processing, spectroscopy, wafer inspection, light displays, medical diagnostics, laser printing, and data storage, etc. It has been shown that Nd:YVO4 based diode pumped solid state lasers are rapidly occupying the markets traditionally dominated by water-cooled ion lasers and lamp-pumped lasers, especially when compact design and single-longitudinal-mode output are required.

Nd:YVO4's advantages over Nd:YAG

  • As high as about five times larger absorption efficient over a wide pumping bandwidth around 808 nm (therefore, the dependency on pumping wavelength is much lower and a strong tendency to the single mode output)

  • As large as three times larger stimulated emission cross-section at the lasing wavelength of 1064 nm

  • Lower lasing threshold and higher slope efficiency

  • As a uniaxial crystal with large birefringence, the emission is only linearly polarized

Basic Properties

Crystal Structure

Zircon Tetragonal

 space group D4h-I4/amd

Lattice Parametera=b=7.1193Å, c=6.2892Å
Density4.22 g/cm3
Atomic Density

1.26 ×1020 atoms/cm3

(Nd 1.0%)

Mohs Hardness4-5 (Glass-like)

Thermal Expansion Coefficient


αa = 4.43 × 10-6/K
αc = 11.37 × 10-6/K

Thermal Conductivity Coefficient


// C: 0.0523 W/cm/K
⊥C: 0.0510 W/cm/K
Lasing Wavelength1064 nm, 1342 nm

Thermal Optical Coefficient


dno/dT=8.5 × 10-6 /K
dne/dT=2.9 × 10-6 /K
Stimulated Emission Cross-section25x10-19cm2@1064nm
Fluorescent Lifetime90 μs (1% Nd doped)
Absorption Coefficient31.4 cm-1 @810nm
Intrinsic Loss0.02 cm-1 @1064nm
Gain Bandwidth0.96 nm @1064nm
Polarized Laser Emission

π polarization

parallel to optical axis(c-axis)

Diode Pumped 

Optical to Optical Efficiency

> 60%

Sellmeier Equations

(λ in µm)


Laser Properties of Nd:YVO4

1.One most attractive character of Nd:YVO4 is, compared with Nd:YAG, its 5 times larger absorption coefficient in a broader absorption bandwidth around the 808 nm peak pump wavelength, which just matches the standard of high power laser diodes currently available. This means a smaller crystal that could be used for the laser, leading to a more compact laser system. For a given output power, this also means a lower power level at which the laser diode operates, thus extending the lifetime of the expensive laser diode. The broader absorption bandwidth of Nd:YVO4 which may reaches 2.4 to 6.3 times that of Nd:YAG. Besides more efficient pumping, it also means a broader range of selection of diode specifications. This will be helpful to laser system makers for wider tolerance for lower cost choice.

2.Nd:YVO4 crystal has larger stimulated emission cross-section, both at 1064 nm and 1342 nm. When a-axis cut Nd:YVO4 crystal lasing at 1064 nm, it is about 4 times higher than that of Nd:YAG, while at 1340 nm the stimulated cross-section is 18 times larger, which leads to a CW operation completely outperforming Nd:YAG at 1320 nm. These make Nd:YVO4 laser be easy to maintain a strong single line emission at the two wavelengths.

3.Another important character of Nd:YVO4 lasers is, because it is an uniaxial rather than a high symmetry of cubic as Nd:YAG, it only emits a linearly polarized laser, thus avoiding undesired birefringent effects on the frequency conversion. Although the lifetime of Nd:YVO4 is about 2.7 times shorter than that of Nd:YAG, its slope efficiency can be still quite high for a proper design of laser cavity, because of its high pump quantum efficiency.

4.The major laser properties of Nd:YVO4 vs Nd:YAG are listed in Table below, including stimulated emission cross-sections(σ), absorption coefficient (α), fluorescent lifetime (τ), absorption length (Lα), threshold power (Pth) and pump quantum efficiency (ηS).

Laser Properties of Nd:YVO4 vs Nd:YAG

Laser CrystalDopingσατPthηS
(atm%)(×10-19 cm2)(cm-1)(μs)(mm)(mW)(%)
Nd:YVO4 (a-cut)12531.2900.323052
Nd:YVO4 (c-cut)1.179.290-23145.5

Doping concentration0.1 to 3%
Clear Aperture>90%
Surface Quality (Scratch/Dig)10/5 to MIL-PRF-13830B
Flatnessλ/8@633nm (L≧2.5mm)
λ/4@633nm (L<2.5mm)
Transmitted Wavefront Distortion<λ/4 @633 nm
Parallelism20 arc sec
Perpendicularity<15 arc min
Angle Tolerance± 0.5°
Chamfer<0.2mm × 45°
Chip<0.1 mm
Damage Threshold



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